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Saturday, December 12, 2009

BYE SINGAPORE FOR 3 sweet days.

Notice my title for this post,
yes! am sayin goodbye to sg for 3 days, starting from tomorrow onwards!

Finally a relaxing type of holiday as in = i dont have to wake up early in the morning to chiong out for shopping. Wellwell, holiday is always about shopping,
thus this time round mommyBEST & Aunt Jennifer planning was good, somewhere relaxing, where the young lil kids will enjoy too, & thats genting! ((:

Andand, just to keep you peeps updated i have quitted my job, & best thing is am starting school this 21st decemeber! WHEEE! Sooo fast, holidays& taitai life is gone. HAHA, wellwell, pretty excited for school, is been near to a year since i am pretty rusty away from book and more books! Lauggghs, got to start mugging hard from now on. Say, HANNAH IS A GOOD GIRL , peepos!
(: laughs, JK xD

Got to catch a flight at 11am later.

PS;First time trying on a budget airline! (:


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